Professional, Reliable & Efficient Security protects today’s business and gives peace of mind knowing:
‘It’s business as usual’
We guarantee, when you call, we will deliver immediately
Who We Are
Professional, Reliable & Efficient Security protects today’s business and gives peace of mind knowing: ‘It’s business as usual’.
Managing Director – Joe Downey has been in the Security Industry for over 20 years. With his immediate response and awareness for Security business needs, he sees your business to protect, as his business.
We guarantee, when you call, we will deliver immediately. P.R.E. Security has quality professional trained security guards. Our focus is maintaining efficiency in the workplace of our client! Our strength is in ensuring our client’s trust, that they are protected.

Corporate Functions
Corporate Security has, over recent years, become a specialist role within the industry.

Special Events
Special events too have become a specialist role within the industry.

Armed Services
PRE Security retains a specialist group of highly trained, professional and licensed personnel for these areas.

Static Guards
Static guarding and patrols are still integral roles within the industry at all levels, which is the core part of the business